Thursday 4 July 2013

Ibogaine is finally available in London and other parts of the UK

I’m a scientist and after years of studying all aspects of addiction (there are more than you think) I was about to start working on a PhD. Then I discovered that in 1962 the late Howard Lotsof accidentally found that Ibogaine was a cure for all kinds of addiction (and potentially might even work with depression). He took out several patents in the USA and spent his remaining years trying to promote Ibogaine. To his utter amazement he couldn’t get any of the American drug companies or research facilities interested in developing or researching Ibogaine.

51 years, and thousands of wasted lives later very little has actually happened. It is after all, not in the interests of either drug companies or treatment providers to cure people of all their addictions in one single treatment. Why would they kill the golden goose of life-long-maintenance and put themselves out of a well paid job? Another drawback to research and development was that Ibogaine was deemed to be a hallucinogen and demonised along with LSD and was therefore, banned in America; it is also illegal in the UK and most of Europe.

Nobody should attempt Ibogaine therapy without medical supervision

This frustrating situation tempted some desperate addicts to treat themselves with Ibogaine obtained illegally. Most were successful but without medical supervision there were several deaths from exhaustion, dehydration, or undiagnosed heart conditions. Anyone contemplating using Ibogaine needs to be reasonably fit and it is crucial to have had their heart and liver functions checked first.In 1999, a woman neuroscientist called Deborah Mash began exploring the potential of Ibogaine. She has been especially keen to reduce some of the risks and rigours involved in the original formula, which produces a highly intense 36 hour long ‘trip.’  

To put it in very simple terms the brain’s opiate receptors (and the addiction related neurotransmitters) are ‘repaired’ during the Ibogaine experience. Professor Mash has recently complete first stages of trials of a new derivative of the iboga herb that will be much safer, especially for people with health issues such as heart conditions. Until human testing is completed it is impossible to know whether this version will be as effective as Ibogaine version one. If the rest of us just sit back silently and wait it could be another fifty-one years before Ibogaine finally becomes widely available.   

Ibogaine is still almost completely unknown in the west and nobody else is working on it; and in Britain nobody is doing anything about researching Ibogaine at all. In fact none of the treatment agencies, with whom I have spoken in England are offering it, or had even heard of it. There is one thing that everyone can do and that is to spread the word about the existence of Ibogaine; not only to those who need it but also to those whose job it should be to provide it.

Ask your health care providers whether they know about it and if not, ask them why not when it has been around for 51 years. Write to politicians and anyone else you can think of - let’s get our brains in gear to find some way to get this treatment into clinics and saving lives. I am doing everything I can think of as a scientist, a writer, and human being but it is all taking too long and people are still dying. Nobody in the area of addiction science appears to be interested in doing Ibogaine research. They all seem content to wait for the team in Miami. I hope that if the public know that the Ibogaine option exists, and that it works (it has been used successfully in Mexico for ten years) they might be able to bring pressure on the British NHS to begin offering Ibogaine to the thousands of British addicts who currently have no hope except methadone (with its 3% success rate after 2 years).

In 2004, film-maker David Graham-Scott made his documentary on Ibogaine therapy, Detox or Die! (shown on British TV and can be seen on YouTube) There are now between one and three Ibogaine therapists working privately in London but none of these are licensed by the British Government (and two out of the three related websites won’t open so they might have been closed down). The only treatment offered in Britain by NHS clinics is the highly dangerous and equally ineffective methadone (see Wikipedia for methadone related deaths MRDs; and methadone rehab figures. You can find them in Google. You might also wish to explore the Ibogaine Dossier where you can confirm what I have said and learn more). Nobody should attempt this therapy without medical supervision. 

If you have a problem addiction and want to learn more about this therapy put Ibogaine treatment + UK into Google.or go here:  

Sunday 17 February 2013

New Therapies: Writing Life Therapy and Colours

One interesting thing I have noticed since I began writing my book is that when I first tackle a really sad event it will be extremely painful to write. I will be in floods of tears by the end of it and then I cannot bear to look at it again for days. This makes it difficult to write it well in draft one and I just do my best. I had almost decided that it was too painful to continue, I also believe that if something is painful to write it will be equally painful to read. Then some days later when I came to re-read and edit it I find that I can read it and edit it at length without any tears, or unpleasant negative emotions and with complete detachment and objectivity. At this point I can even go into far greater detail without further distress.

It is as if the process of writing everything down has removed any power the memories had to inflict pain, which is fascinating from the psychological viewpoint. I am beginning to think I have found a brilliant form of therapy. I would advise people with seriously upsetting memories to seek counselling, if that is not possible make certain you have a supply of chocolate and a good friend handy to cheer you up. I don’t think I am the first psychologist to use it or its original discoverer, I am sure I remember reading about it before. 15 years ago it helped me to write all my childhood memories when I was trying to get off speed and get over chronic fatigue, osteomyelitis and Hep C. This is how I ended up banana shaped, the spine itself is actually fine, it is the nerves inside the brain stem, which control the back muscles that are damaged. 

Another new therapy I am trying is colour therapy, it involves wearing and being surrounded by bright vibrant colours, to which we know the brain responds positively. All the time I was studying and then doing research, I had to dress suitably for a scientist, which involves wearing sober colours and conservative styles. I do not have time for shopping trips so I buy most of my clothes online. The colours on the website however, can be very different from the reality. Dark blue can actually be a lurid purple and browns often turn out to be red so as I cannot afford expensive mistakes, black was usually the safest choice. 

As this is not the real me, I found being permanently dressed for a funeral quite depressing. 
I had to force myself into that rather uncomfortable mould and now I am breaking out. As a scientist I had to show good judgement, by dressing sensibly for that role, but as a writer I am allowed to be flamboyant, it is almost expected if not compulsory. Thus I have ordered myself a fake-fur-fluffy, multi-coloured hooded, ¾ length, rainbow striped coat, which will make me look like a multi-coloured duckling. I am going to call it Orville and find somebody to teach us to fly. I expect I will look extremely silly as a 64 year old duckling BUT I don’t care. The fashion police are not allowed on Sheppey, (my writer's hideaway) and according to something I read once there is a potential for an ugly duckling to turn into a beautiful swan. We will see!

Thursday 10 January 2013

Addiction Therapies

Addiction Therapies and Counselling


I believe that in spite of still having so many questions, I have actually found some of the answers. The most hopeful treatment for all additions (as I write) is a hallucinogen called Ibogaine (see links) and but it is still undergoing medical trials in the USA. There are potentially many other psychiatric conditions for which this therapy could prove effective. It is theorised that depression and addiction are controlled by the same neural mechanisms in the brain's limbic system. Ibogaine or perhaps a derivative could also be useful for other types of depression, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and obsessive compulsive disorders [OCD]. See what David Graham Scott says about his experience: and watch his video Detox Or Die.  

However, in spite of thousands of successfully treated ex-addicts leaving the clinics in Mexico [the only place it is legal to use it] to date there are still no Ibogaine trials planned for the UK. For now British patients would need to go abroad. This treatment was discovered in the 1960s. However, after taking out several patents to prevent others from researching or promoting it, the finder failed to develop it himself while thousands more people continue to die unnecessarily. One problem is safety, on account of the fact that out of hundreds possibly thousands since the 1970s who have taken Ibogaine about 12 who had undiagnosed heart conditions died.

The patents have been expired since 2000, and there have been plans for research in Miami in Florida, for several years. There seems to be one delay after another and it is all moving much too slowly. I believe that the main problem is that in spite of how much addiction (not to mention depression) is costing governments globally, there are too many powerful people making far too much money out of it for research into curing it to be allowed to progress unhindered. Governments also need to consider how many jobs would be lost in pharmaceutical industries combined with the increased demand for jobs if large numbers of psychiatric patients suddenly became fit to work again.

However effective Ibogaine is people still need counselling or therapy to bring them to the point where they are ready to stop. Although in recent years, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy has replaced Gestalt Therapy, there are many reasons why Gestalt Therapy is particularly useful for healing addiction because it can be used to change perceptions about responsibility, and encourages honesty with ourselves and others.

Gestalt therapy is an existential approach that was first presented by Fritz Perls but the majority of modern therapists have switched to CBT, which has been very successful for many psychological conditions.,%202006.pdf

The problem with most therapies is that the patient needs a therapist or counsellor for the therapy to work. The problem is that few addicts seek counselling or even accept it when it is offered, but I have never heard of anyone who regretted their experiences of counselling. A better solution for some might be meditation or self-hypnosis, both of which can be learned relatively easily, although this might require at least one trip to a professional in addition to reading about it. Therapy is especially useful when addiction is combined other conditions like depression, or post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is frequently the case. Addiction is seldom an addicts only psychological problem but it is often the only one acknowledged or treated.

Addiction Survey

Healing Addictions Without Drugs

by Karl Schmidt is now available on Amazon for £25.50 link below
and Waterstones for £21.50 link below

If anyone who has succeeded in recovering from addiction [whether substance or process addictions--even nail-biting] and would like to answer the questions below in complete anonymity you can email me [see profile] or use the Comment Box at the bottom. 

After learning everything that the medical, psychological, sociological and philosophical disciplines could teach me. The 9 most crucial questions that I need to answer to understand addiction as an international problem rather than a personal one are:

1) Why did you decide to take an addictive drug and then keep taking it regardless of risk until you become addicted?

2) Why didn’t you stop before you developed physical withdrawal symptoms to prevent addiction? (It can take from nine months to two years to get addicted to methadone or diamorphine; although street heroin varies because of unknown chemical ingredients.)

3.0) How many times did you attempt to get free?
3.1) Why have you never tried to get free?
3.2) Why did you relapse?
3.3) Why did you succeed in getting free?

After months (sometimes even years) people choose to start taking the same drug or another drug until they get addicted again? (There also appears to be a higher than average potential for ‘recovered’ addicts to become addicted to alcohol or another addictive substance.) However, occasionally addicts just decide to recover and stay recovered.

4) Why don’t people always relapse? Sometimes people suddenly find that they have the strength and determination to stop taking the drug, recover, and stay off long enough to get back into work and apparently never to look back.

5) What made the change possible? Was it something internal or external, (was it something inside them, or was it something about their situation that changed?)     

7) How could treatment agencies, health-care professionals, and society have been more helpful?

8) What directly or indirectly hindered attempts to get drug-free? What else caused difficulties? How did the treatment providers help or hinder prior attempts?

                 9) If for any reason (perhaps constant pain or terminal illness) a long-term drug user cannot stop, what medically safe and socially acceptable options are available to enable the best possible quality of life? (Should social acceptability even be a factor in the treatment of patients?) 

The people I have asked are all from a group of people who [after laboratory rats] have been described as one of the most highly studied populations in science, yet they had never been asked these questions. The nearest was the frequently asked: 'Why do you take drugs?' To which the standard answer was: 'Because I like them.' In at least one case this was simply telling the researcher what they wanted or expected to hear, and this was the quickest way to get on to the next question and the end of the interview. The truth was that I didn't know why I took drugs and didn't know where to begin to explain my need for them. All I did know was that the need preceded  first use thus liking them or not had very little bearing on it.

Friday 4 January 2013

Is Addiction a Choice or a Mistake?

On the subject of mistakes 

I keep hearing the quote by nineteenth century German Statesman (and who many describe as the true engineer of the First World War) Otto von Bismarck: 'A fool learns from his mistakes, but a truly wise man learns from the mistakes of others'. This suggests the existence of highly intelligent individuals, who throughout their adult lives never make any mistakes. He further implies that only fools learn from their own mistakes. What utter tosh! A fool is someone who keeps making the same mistakes and never learns anything from them. No actually an even bigger fool is someone who believes that he will never make any mistakes. Well news flash! We all make mistakes; trial and error is one of the main ways that people learn. Even some of the world’s cleverest people make some really stupid mistakes.

Off the top of my head, I put ‘Einstein + mistake’ into Google and found an undated paper by Ohanian who has written a book called, Einstein's Mistakes: The Human Failings of Genius.

To read more:

Ohanian described a critical examination of over six proofs that Einstein produced in over forty years working on his theory of relativity. Ohanian found that all six proofs suffered from serious mistakes. They range from unjustified assumptions, errors in logic, and low-speed restrictive approximations. Einstein claimed that he was not born with any special abilities mathematical or otherwise: “All I have is the stubbornness of a mule. No, it is not quite all. I also have a nose.” So unlike some modern scientists Einstein had a great sense of humour. He also had no doubts that the universe was created by God. However, he did question whether the Creation was deliberate or accidental. (This is an incredibly interesting question in spite of Christian doctrine stating that God is invulnerable to error). “What interests me is whether God had any choice in the creation of the world.”  

Of course Einstein was one of a kind so perhaps he is also a one-off in this respect. He was known to be dyslexic and might even have had Asperger’s Syndrome, which could explain the errors. Surely not all genii are so vulnerable to mistakes? I can hear someone say—but yes actually most of them are. I remember reading about a team of psychologists (I will not name them). They designed a study to explore psychiatric in-patient treatment. They booked themselves into different mental facilities as voluntary patients to document the experience, and to discover how long it would take for the staff to detect that they were perfectly sane. The staff never did detect that they were sane (it is not what they are trained to do). The more the researchers tried to convince the staff of their sanity the more insane they appeared.

They had only informed one member of their faculty of their plans in case something went wrong, but a few days later he had an accident driving home. He was hospitalised for several weeks, and was unaware of their difficulties until he eventually returned to work and discovered that they were all missing. If you would like to read more about howling blunders made by really smart, highly educated people click the links below. The first is the famous Stanford Prison Experiment by Zimbardo (1971). Today he is recognised as one of the most brilliant minds in behavioural science. However, when he was a PhD student his career was almost over before it began, when during the running of his unique Prison Experiment things began to go wrong:

When I first read about this I asked my tutor:
“If their treatment was so bad, why didn’t any of the ‘prisoners’ walk out?” He did not know the answer, and most of the discussion and subsequent research has focused on why the ‘guards’ became so brutal. They were not real prisoners they could have requested, nay demanded their release at any time, but apparently none of them did. Perhaps they were reluctant to be the first one to leave; or perhaps they did not want to forfeit the payment that they were due to receive at the end of the study.   

The second was Milgram’s (1961-62) now famous Obedience to Authority Experiment: The subjects were ordered to give what they were led to believe were potentially lethal electric shocks to another person. In spite of the lack consideration for ethics, the findings from these experiments were regarded as being of such scientific importance that (once the dust settled and they were forgiven) the ‘mistakes’ actually enhanced the careers of their creators.

One ethical blunder that not only destroyed the career of its creator but also caused such a backlash of public ill-will against behaviourism that research into changing behaviour through conditioning was stopped, (except for inside secret government facilities). The researchers were John Watson (who said: bring me a dozen infants of average intelligence and I will turn them into scientists, doctors or whatever else you like) and Rosalie Rayner (1920) and the highly successful study with into Conditioned Fear to demonstrate how humans learn fear. Little Albert’s mother had been happy to agree to let him to ‘study’ her eleven-month-old son while she got on with her work as cleaner at the laboratory. He had obtained her consent, but it was obvious that she had no understanding of what the experiment involved or its possible consequences.

As a result of these and many other mistakes, any scientific study using human participants must first be subjected to rigorous questioning by an ethics committee. Then the researchers must also obtain prior ‘informed consent,’ from the participants.        
One reason that all humans make mistakes, especially in judgment and decision-making is because we deceive ourselves on a regular basis. We all have a strong tendency to believe we are right when we are absolutely wrong, but it does not stop there. There is a list of 27 cognitive self-serving biases (which are also self-deceiving biases) and false assumptions to which even the most intelligent and educated people are vulnerable. Even when you know that these exist it is still very hard not succumb; it is goes against thousands of years of evolution to learn how to disregard their influence. If you would like to read about these (or anything else for that matter) put the keywords: cognitive or self-serving biases in Google and click the link to Wikipedia. Nobel Laureates, Kahneman and Tversky (1973) were among the first to observe and report the effects of these biases during their work on cognitive heuristics (rules-of-thumb).

Their availability heuristic said that if you can think about something it must be important. To put this into terms more relevant to addiction, if drugs are not available you cannot take them. In other words, if you had never heard of drugs you would not have gone out to look for them. So where does that leave addiction as a congenital brain disease? The work into the social and environmental influences on decision making also provided some crucial factors in helping to answer some of the questions regarding the addict’s ‘decision’ to take drugs once (and to keep taking them). Kahneman and Tversky were among the first to demonstrate that human beings are not as logical or rational as we used to believe. 

A branch of social psychology explores attribution, (who and what do individuals and society as a whole choose to blame when things go wrong). One of my favourite constructs is ‘fundamental attribution error,’ defined by Lee Ross (1977). This explains how (a part of cognition called working-self), works in the human brain. This convinces us that when we succeed it is because of our own brilliance, determination and other internal qualities. However, if anything goes wrong we blame external factors, the situation rather than us (the train was late, the pavement was uneven, the other player cheated).  

The typical human brain is wired in such a way that it makes us believe that whatever goes wrong it is never our fault. The only problem is that this allows people to avoid acknowledging their mistakes and taking responsibility for their own actions, (or lack of action). This prevents us from learning from our mistakes to improve our chances of future success. But when things go wrong with these defence mechanisms, such as during depression, the effect can go into reverse and the individual believes that everything is her fault. This can result in hyper-sensitivity to guilt, which is one of most damaging emotions; and it is utterly pointless if neuroscience is right and we have no free will. I have found that many people with addictions are also suffering from depression or other psychiatric or psychological conditions. It is sometimes impossible to tell whether this is the cause or the result of drug use, or even a vicious circle.    

Friday 23 November 2012

What BEST involves during treatment:

The Revised Treatment Structure of the BEST Addiction Treatment Programme:

The Elements of the BEST (Brain Electro-Stimulation Transcutaneously) are the same as in the book but the timetable has changed to incorporate the patients' requests for more occupational therapy. We have also included the more successful Cognitive Behavioural Therapy as well as the option for Trauma Therapy:

Element 1 The contract between the chief care giver and the patient who wishes to undergo treatment.
Element 2 Brain Electro-Stimulation Transcutaneously (BEST) consisting of a mild electric current supplied via 2 electrodes to an area behind the ears for 10 to 14 days continuously. The patient is in control of the output
Element 3 A one-to-one relationship
Element 4 Three prescribed readings daily
Element 5 Physical relaxation exercises (PRE) three times daily
Element 6 Mental relaxation exercises (MRE), (Gestalt therapy - Meditation) three times daily
Element 7, consists of 18 'in between relaxation exercises' (IRE) (a set of 18 acupressure exercises around the head, which according to the research can increase the brain's production of endorphins [endogenous morphines])
Element 8 Family/relationship therapy (depending on the needs of individual patients)
Element 9 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Psychotherapy, and/or trauma therapy, 1 hour daily
Element 10 Informal existential or spiritual counselling (So far accepted)
Element 11 Occupational therapy
Element 12 Anti-ictal medication may be necessary in the case of benzodiazepine and alcohol addiction in a 9-day reducing schedule.

As opposed to more loosely structured programmes, this programme is a very intensive one, yet very engaging. It is hoped to reduce opportunity for discussion or thoughts of drug use, which are a common problem in addiction units. See Table 2 for the structure of the programme. In order to prevent relapses intensive follow-up three times a week after work for two years is reccomended.

Table 2 

07.30: Morning meal
08.00: Set of Mental Relaxation Exercises (MRE) involving traditional transcendental meditation increasing to 20 minute sessions. Full instructions will be included in the book Healing Addictions by Karl Schmidt, meanwhile free, comprehensive, instructions for meditation can be found here: and meditation is demonstrated free on YouTube:   

08.30: Set of Physical Relaxation Exercises (PRE): endorphin release (see references for research evidence). These involve mostly Yoga exercises for beginners building up from 15 to 30 minutes. Full instructions are in the book but further examples of yoga relaxation exercises can be found here: and they are also demonstrated free on YouTube:
There is also seated yoga for people with disabilities: and Yoga For Dummies also has some helpful links:
09.30: First reading session (patients can choose from a large selection of inspirational works, including memoirs by successfully recovered addicts as well as a wide range of psychological self-help books and books on worldwide philosophy and religion)
10.30: Occupational therapy (generally involves discovering hidden talents, such as drawing, painting, writing or whatever arts or crafts, in which they show an interest)
12.00 Lunch
12.30 Rest
13.00 Reading
14.00 Psychological Counselling or family therapy
15.00 MRE
15.30 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or trauma counselling
16.30 In-between Relaxation Exercises, which involve acupressure exercises around the skull to stimulate circulation and regenerate the production of endorphins
17.00 PRE
17.30 IRE
18.00 Free choice reading
18.30 TV News
19.00 Dinner
20.00 Selected TV Programmes, tape or video (or if preferred more occupation therapy or free choice reading if preferred)
22.00 MRE
22.30 Bedtime

1. Pert, C. (1997) Molecules of Emotion, Pocket Books,
2. Bloom, W. (2001) The Endorphin Effect, Piatkus,
3. Patterson, M. (1986) Hooked! The NET Approach to Addiction Treatment,
Faber & Faber, London
4. Emrich, H.M. (1981) ‘The Role of Endorphins in Neuropsychiatry’,
Herz, A., (1981) ‘The Role of Endorphins in Addiction’, both cited in Karger, S., (1981) The Role of Endorphins,
5. Karl Schmidt, (2006) Healing Addictions Without Drugs, Published by Sable-House 

Thursday 15 November 2012

So What is BEST?

Available on Amazon £25.50 and Waterstones £21.50


‘Primum Non Nocere’ – Firstly and above all do no harm, Hippocrates

Healing Addictions Without Drugs


 Karl Schmidt, M.D. FRCH Psych, FR(ANZ)C.P., MRSC, D.P.M., MRCS, LRCP

This book is dedicated to: my late wife, Una 
Dr. H.L. Wen, M.D. (Honk Kong) 
Dr. M. Patterson, MBE, M.B., C.H.B., FRCSE (Edinburgh)
(1922 – 2002)

Revised in 2012 in collaboration with Dr. Schmidt, and edited by Jo Kirkpatrick, B.A., (dip comp), B.Sc. Psych (Hons), CSSRM (Open). The following WebBlog will contain extracts and addenda from the book as well as many things that have been omitted in order to fulfil the narrow requirements of modern publishers: see also
Healing addiction needs to be aimed at the whole person. The mind, the body and the spirit all need to be going in the same direction for recovery to last. Treatments that only deal with the physical withdrawal, such as methadone are doomed to fail; as are treatments that only consider the psychological or neurological aspects of addiction.
This below is a link to the interview between Edmund Marriage of The Golden Age Project and Karl with his Personal Assistant Erika Gupwell.

B.E.S.T. is a combination of addiction therapies developed by Karl Schmidt. Several years ago Professor Schmidt produced an excellent book detailing the methods he used to guide his patients in East Somerset to  heal their various addictions. Older readers might remember watching Dr Meg Patterson on BBC 2 in the 1980s when several famous pop stars were shown using her Neuro-Electric-Therapy (NET). All were successfully healed and thirty years later are all still alive and still showing no signs of the recurring relapse that follows other types of addiction therapies. 

At this time Karl Schmidt was Consultant Psychiatrist for East Somerset Area Health Authority (AHA) at Yeovil General Hospital. He says, "After watching the programme, I was curious to see for myself whether this therapy really worked. I contacted Meg Patterson and invited her to come to and train my team and myself to use her method, which she accepted."             

“Nothing is too small for me, and nothing is too large I paint it in spite of that and I am writing it on a golden background and in large letters and I do not know whose soul it will one day unleash”

"Nichts ist mir zu klein, und nichts ist mir zu grossund ich mal es trotzdem und ich schreib es auf Godgrund und gross und ich weiss nicht wem
einrnal wird’s binden die Seele los”

Rainer Maria Rilke